Important informations & camp

Important informations for the Tesla-actionsdays

No doubt you are already busy preparing for the days of action.
A lot has already been prepared for your well-being.

🏕️ Camp

Paralel to the action days the Water.Forest.Justice.Camp will take place. You can camp there, there will be a kitchen for everyone and a proper program.

Please register anonymously for the camp, so we have an overview of how many people are coming.


Further information:

🤔 You need information about what is planned?

In many cities, information events are currently taking place for the action days. Not with you yet? Write to us for the Mobi presentation!

Click here for the call to action:

You can find information on how we will oppose Tesla en masse with actions and demonstrations here:

👉 What you can still do now.

- the camp will not have enough sleeping capacity. So if possible, use your access to sleeping places in/near Berlin or the bed exchange. Registration form for beds.
- take a look at the packing list, so that you are well equipped on site. Please come with sturdy shoes over your ankles and above all don't forget MOSQUITO SPRAY!
- plan time for your stay to support on the campsite with the care work..
- arrive from 5 May to help with the set-up if you can.
- stay there for a few days after the weekend - whether in the forest or at the camp - to dismantle the camp.
sign up for the camp and write if you have wishes for the dismantling of barriers.
– do you have specific needs or barriers in action? Contact us by mail (PGP available) or via the encrypted contact form.
- bring your coolest banners, flags and signs against Tesla, for water justice and a real transportation transition.

We are looking forward to going into action together with you – en masse, angry and united against Tesla!

⚡ Bring your friends & let's get ready!

Further information:


Registration form

Please register anonymously and and write if you have wishes for the dismantling of barriers

For all those who cannot or do not want to camp at the camp, there is the bed exchange

Camp ABC

Protest infos


How to get there

Some joint trips to the camp were organized. More information here:

You are also welcome to use these channels to connect for carpooling:

The address of the camp: An der alten Schule 5, 15537 Grünheide (Mark)

Here you can find more information on how to get there:



Let’s get ready!⁩ – Block Tesla
