Stop the eviction, drop Tesla!

The forest and water occupation in Grünheide needs your support! 🌱🌳

For 14 days now, activists have been occupying the forest that is to be cleared for the Tesla expansion. The forest occupation has become a new meeting place for activists and citizens from Grünheide, with a great cultural programme, good food and enjoyment of nature!
But now the eviction is imminent! ❌

Several hectares of forest have already been felled overnight for the construction of the Tesla Giga Factory without any regard for nature conservation. This is now threatening to happen again!

Profits take precedence over nature conservation, biodiversity and water conservation 🌱🐝💧

The unequivocal "no" of the municipality of Grünheide to the expansion is also ignored. Tesla's expansion plans remain.

What remains for us? Our protest! 💜 This shows who is for or against fair mobility. Because electric cars are not THE solution! Environmentally friendly, accessible and affordable mobility for all, without neo-colonial exploitation, is the future WE want!

Eviction announced soon! Then not only our lovingly built new home will be destroyed, but also our right to preserve forests and clean water: the basis for a sustainable earth! 🦋

How can we stop the eviction?
With you! Come along! ♥️
-> You don't need to bring much, it's all there! ⛺️
⛺️You can spend the night in tree houses and tents that have already been set up.
🥨Food and Wi-Fi for your housework or contract work are also available and great people on top!
👯 ♀️ The more we are, the longer the eviction will take!
Together, we can continue to stand up to Tesla with the forest occupation and our demand for a stop to expansion!



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