Why Tesla?

Mobility is a question of justice.

⛔ The fight against car manufacturers like Tesla is one of many against destructive industries that jeopardise our livelihoods.

Tesla's production stands for miserable working conditions, exploitation and resource utilisation. This is not the beginning, but the end of an ecologically just transport transition.

🌳💧🚌 We are fighting for collective mobility that is organised in a resource- and climate-friendly way. Every tree that falls for Tesla is one too many. Every litre of water that is polluted is a waste. And every e-SUV on the roads is one bus too few!

Water is a question of justice.

💧Fights against privatisation, exploitation or pollution of water resources and infrastructure have long been waged by social movements around the world.

While households and communities are supposed to save water during the drought, coal, chemical and mineral water companies, car manufacturers and industrial agriculture consume almost four times as much river and groundwater as all the people in this country combined.

🗞️ The Climate*Collective has already published two exciting brochures on "Water struggles on the move", find out more at https://t.me/waterjustice

There is a forest, water justice and a world to win.

🌳💧 TeslaStoppen is a water occupation against the sale of forest and water for the factory expansion of Tesla in Grünheide.

The occupation and the local citizens' initiative share a common concern: Fighting for water security locally and in global solidarity. The livelihoods of all of us should not be in the hands of a profit-orientated corporation like Tesla.

🔥 The earth is rising up everywhere. The water occupation is part of a broad protest movement against destructive large-scale industrial projects and in favour of social land and water justice. Visit the water occupation canal and drop by. Or take a look at the tour organised by our friends from "Le Soulevements de la Terre": https://wasserlandgerechtigkeit.blackblogs.org

What does mobility for all mean?

🚌 We need to move away from 1 car per person towards collective transport. We need public transport with good working conditions in the city and in the countryside. And accessible for everyone. A conversion to repair and those means of transport, e.g. buses and trains, that a just world needs.

Where can we start?

⚙️ E-cars are not the solution. Now is the time to prevent path dependencies that serve the engine of capitalism. The Tesla factory near Berlin is set to become the largest e-car factory in Europe. There are many reasons to oppose it:

1. the factory is located in the drinking water protection area on Berlin's water source & already many Unwelt-Harvarien. Drinking water only for those who can afford it?

2. e-resource extraction destroys livelihoods & communities.

3. working conditions are catastrophic & there are daily accidents.

4. over 100ha of forest will be cleared.

5. the profits flow to Musk and his fascist ideas.

🤝 Form gangs now and come to the action days 💥

Disrupt Tesla – the future is now
