Cycle tour: Agriculture on the move

In May 2025, we will set off on a two-week cycle tour from Oderbruch to the Weser networking camp in Brake. You can join us for part or all of the time! Together we will set off on a learning and networking cycle tour on the subject of agriculture and the food system. We will mobilize many people for a fair agriculture.

Capitalism is currently squeezing everything out of agriculture in order to increase profits. So it's no wonder that agriculture is not there to provide sustainable food for all, but instead follows market and profit logic. And this cannot continue!
That's why the bike tour takes us to places of alternatives and we bring our protest to the places of destruction. We want to understand together why agriculture is structured the way it is and learn how things could be different.

Which way are we going?

We will start on May 7 at a beautiful Solawi in Oderbruch (east of Berlin). We will then travel via Eberswalde, Berlin, Potsdam, Leipzig, Erfurt, Kassel, Paderborn, Bielefeld and Bremen to the Weser networking camp in Brake.

Destination of the bike tour: Weser networking camp

The cycle tour will end at the Weser networking camp. This will take place from May 23-25 in Brake. Information about the camp will be available online soon.
Brake is also exciting because it is home to the largest feed import port in Germany. This port shows exactly how damaging the current food system is.

Are you in?

Whether it's just one day, several days or the whole time, we look forward to cycling together. So that we can plan the accommodation and meals well, you must register here in advance.

FAQ about the cycle tour

Who can come along?

Anyone who enjoys cycling and wants to learn more about agriculture.

Do I have to do the whole tour?

No, you can come along for just one day, several days or the whole two weeks. Whatever you have the time and energy for.

Where do we stay overnight?

We are currently inquiring about various farms, community-supported agriculture businesses and other projects. We will always sleep together in one place. What this looks like in detail also depends on the number of people, but it will probably be in a tent most of the time. If camping is not an option for you, we will also look for another solution.

How long are the stages?

We drive between 40 and 60 kilometers every day. Occasionally it's a maximum of 80 kilometers.
It is always possible to cover part or all of the journey by train. In such cases, we try to share the financing of a bicycle ticket on the regional train in a spirit of solidarity.

Is the cycle tour barrier-free?

Barriers are very individual and we want to respond to them in the same way. Our aim is to enable many people to participate. The tour doesn't just include cycling, but also events, e.g. at the overnight stops or small campaigns. And you can also support the tour from afar and be part of it. See for yourself what you would like to do and let us know what you need. We will then see together whether and how we can make it happen.
We will provide all written information in German and English. The plenas and events on the tour will be in German, we can try to provide a whisper translation in English if necessary.

How much does the tour cost?

Lack of money should not be an obstacle for you to take part in the tour. We organize the whole tour on a donation basis.

What do I need to ride along?

To take part in the bike tour you will need a bike and a sleeping bag, sleeping mat and possibly a tent for the night. We will provide a detailed packing list online. If you don't have your own tent, we can also organize a few solo sleeping places in the group.

Do I have to transport my luggage myself?

No, we organize luggage transport between the overnight stops so that you can cycle more easily.

What happens if I can no longer ride my bike?

We do the tour together and no one is left behind. We try to think of many things and have tools with us for small breakdowns. If it is no longer possible, you will be taken to your overnight accommodation.

How does it work with food?

At the overnight stops, there will be kitchens or we will cook together or for each other. We will take the food for the day tour with us on the bike. The shared meals will be vegan. You can indicate any intolerances on the registration form.

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